About Us

The Urban Spirit Foundation was first established in 2007. In what seems like a short time since, we have worked to create our vision, build our leadership, support our local community and engage with people who have been so moved by our purpose that they have made valued contributions of many kinds.

We are committed to building long term financial sustainability, a positive identity with our community, and an exemplary organization which is transparent and accountable to the urban Indigenous people who we serve, our contributors and governing regulatory agencies.

Above all we want to recognize and celebrate the often challenging journeys of young Indigenous people. We hope that through our work, messages of hope, transformation, and inclusion will enable their bright future to be realized.

We ground our work in our core values of:

RESPECT - Yourself and Each Other
HONOR - Through Dignity, Honesty and Accountability
SHARING - Our Experiences and Wisdom
KINDNESS - In our Actions